Enterprise application design and development


LightMix rebranded GEC website, communication materials and designed custom application for management of certifications.

Over the past 6+ years LightMix has been working with the GEC on reimagining organization’s brand identity, including compelte redesign and rebuild of their WordPress website and development of numerous marketing and communications materials, as well as UI/UX design, custom application development and ongoing support for the GEC’s core product - EPEAT platform.
web dev for nonprofits
non-profit web developer web design nonprofit org
“LightMix continues to play a role in the successful revitalization and transformation of the EPEAT Registry to maintain the platform as the global market leader in fostering supply and demand for sustainable technology products. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to leverage LightMix's expertise for the past several years to perform continuous agile product delivery and maintain optimal performance for the Registry.” - Kim Hair, Senior Manager, Registry Systems
nonprofit web design nonprofit web dev nonprofit web designers Washington DC
non-for-profit web designer

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